Categories: Consulting Documentation ESG Legal Services Regulation and Compliance Risk and Collateral Management SEFs, CCPs and Exchanges Settlement
Tags: Advocacy Collateral Management Risk & Capital
Juris Corp is an active member of The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA), the ISDA Legal & Regulatory Committee for Asia Pacific, the ISDA Working Group for India. The Firm regularly makes presentations on Indian law issues for OTC derivatives in the seminars organized by ISDA. Juris Corp is also ISDA’s Indian legal counsel and provides industry opinions as regards netting and collateral arrangements in India.
Juris Corp is also the legal counsel to FIMMDA (Fixed Income Money Market & Derivatives Association). Through FIMMDA the Firm has advised the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on various issues relating to OTC derivatives. The Firm was instructed by FIMMDA (at the behest of the RBI) and ISDA to vet the Credit Default Swap Documentation for India.
Over the years, Juris Corp has been a key contributor to major legal and regulatory reforms in the Indian derivatives regime, having assisted the RBI & the Ministry of Finance on multiple occasions in relation to drafting / amending laws and directives.
Juris Corp has assisted various entities including in the nature of banks, corporates, mutual funds and insurance companies as regards documentation and advisory in relation to OTC Derivatives.
Legal opinion provider
307, Century Bhavan, 3rd Floor
Dr Annie Besant Road
Worli, Mumbai - 400 030
Contact Person:
Jayesh H +91 22 6720 5504